You know the old adage, 'be careful what you wish for'? I do. I am always careful when I offer up my wishes.
Think of the genie who dupes the wish-maker, twisting their wish into something unasked for. I try to be sure that what I'm asking for is really something that I need. I always follow up with a promise to stay open to opportunities I can't yet see, but which seem always to come up.
So then, what to do when the universe delivers up something resembling your wish, but which isn't quite what you had in mind?
Did I ask it the wrong way? Have I inadvertently asked for the wrong thing? Can I ignore it and let it go away?
Or has the universe, the cosmos, given me exactly what I needed, and I just don't realise it yet?
Do I accept this gift and hope to find a hidden beauty in it? Or do I trust myself and hold true to what I believe is a better thing?
And therein lies my problem. My intuition is strong. I know that. I have gone far by trusting it. Yet I wonder, does the universe know something I don't?
Moon in Libra Problems
When you're born with the Moon in Libra you have unique blessings and
4 months ago
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